Blessed Affirmation

Sometimes it is so difficult for me to discern God’s voice from all the noise that is the inside of my mind. It just seems like it is so difficult to stop dancing in circles and get my inner voice to shut up long enough for me to hear what God is trying to tell me.

Then there are days like today.

I have succeeded little by little to recognize those things that God is putting on my heart. He has set some things in motion that have gotten my attention and because they are kind of outside my norm, they have made me sit up and take notice. One of my biggest difficulties, when it comes to listening to God, is having enough confidence in myself to believe that I’m not just making this stuff up or making things fit together that don’t. I tend to question my motives, not because I don’t believe what God is saying but because I’m afraid that I’m hearing what I want to hear, in the way that I want to hear it.

I pray quite regularly for God to do what he needs to do to get my attention, scary prayer, I know but I have spent too much time feeling like there is something more I’m supposed to be doing but not knowing what it is. God got my attention this morning.

I have felt pushed in a particular direction for a while now but once again, I’ve been questioning just how much of it is God and how much is me. So, this morning I was discussing all of it with Lori and I just got on a roll. Things were coming out of my mouth that I hadn’t even thought out yet. Bits and pieces were fitting together and things were making sense that had just been hanging out on the fringe of my thoughts. It was all making sense and feeling right.

Then, as the dogs were barking, not an unusual happening at our house, I distinctly heard a human voice. Couldn’t tell what the voice was saying but I knew there was somebody outside.

I walked outside and there were two gentleman standing just outside the gate, good place for them to be with the dogs just inside the gate. I shushed the dogs, okay I attempted to shush the dogs, and one of the gentleman asked if I could help them find their property. I know that sounds odd but there are a lot of people who own property out here that either have never seen it or haven’t seen it in a while, and they have trouble finding it.

Usually we see them wandering around the neighborhood in their cars and we stop and see if we can help. It is very rare that anybody finds their way back to our house by accident, we don’t live anywhere near a main road, even a main dirt road.

The paper these gentlemen had didn’t have a street address but the block and lot numbers. I asked them to wait and I went inside to look up the location on the computer. It isn’t the easiest thing to give directions out here, roads bend and street signs are missing, it ends up being easier to just take someone there. So I asked them to follow me and I would take them there. I got an immediate, “God bless you!”, which made me smile.

I led them to where their property was and walked back to their car. Jorge, the driver, introduced himself and thanked me. He also said, “You did good today.” He said he noticed the lettering on the back of our truck that gives the address to this website. He said that He would go to the site and send me an email because he wanted us to share the word of God with each other.

So, as I was telling Lori what I felt was being put on my heart, someone shows up in the yard needing help. People who obviously are people of the Lord and they bless me and tell me I’m doing good.

Thank you Mr. Torres and friends, I’ll take that.

One Reply to “Blessed Affirmation”

  1. June 25, 2014.
    Mr.Mrs. Traveler, God Bless You and your family. Today I received a awesome blessing went a read the words you use to described what our God has made to you in that day that we meet. But let me tell you my experience on that day. For a moment I was so disoriented that I could not found the street and the lot number. Of course the first think I did was praying to God to put us in the right direction to received help from someone. And it happened, thank to your generosity that you took us to the right place. Thanks you again because you made the different in me and my family and friends , they were also impress of your action that day, even though you did’t know us. May God Bless you and your family. And God did not call us to walk in failure over and over again, He called us to walk in the Supernatural. Luke 4:18-19.
    Your brother in Christ,
    Jorge/Ivette Torres & fam.

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